If you are out of ideas, here’s one!

A gift certificate for music lessons or audio recording studio time is a unique holiday gift for the musician or music lover in your life. Call (508) 533-7700 with questions or to order.

Nicely done, Helen!!

Congratulations to Encore student, Helen Huang, for winning Massachusetts State Alternate in piano at the Music Teachers National Association competition this week. If the state winner is unable to compete, Helen will represent Massachusetts in the division and national piano competitions!

They’re good men, Charlie Brown!!!

Congratulations to five Encore students for being cast in leading and supporting roles in the Benjamin Franklin Classical Charter Public School’s production of “You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown”!!! We are very proud of you – Francisco Coakley, Nyna Pendkar, Samiha Rao, Heidi Keith, and Vikrant Vinayak.