Classes and Ensembles


Weekly classes are available on a trimester basis.


The EnChorus! A Show Choir for Adults, ages 18 & up.

Our latest class addition in 2024, the EnChorus is our first adult singing Group! Open to anyone who loves singing, this class focuses on choral arrangements of contemporary music, jazz, a capella, and show tunes.

Students will learn about singing in an ensemble, healthy vocal technique, and introductory music reading skills. No prior experience needed.

Encore’s Class Sampler

This sampler, available as a 2, 4 or 8 class per week package, allows students to explore a class before committing to an entire trimester. This is an excellent way to try out some of the many classes Encore has to offer!

Encore’s Summer Music Camp

Ages 8 & up

Students will have morning core classes to firm up skills, such as Theory, Piano Lab, and Recording Techniques, as well as the choice of several breakout classes in the afternoon, including Rock ‘N Pop Band, The Singing Actor, Musical Theater Class, Drum Circle and many more!

Monday through Thursday, 8:30am – 4:30pm

July 8 – August 29

Summer Theory Intensive

This fun and energetic four-week program compresses a year’s worth of theory study into four short weeks. Students participating in the Royal Conservatory of Music Certificate Program, or planning to study music at the college level, will find this course helps them meet necessary requirements. It is faster, less expensive for our families, and the students have a really great time while expanding their knowledge of the language of music. 

Class size is limited to eight students per level and spaces fill very quickly, so we strongly encourage you to secure your spot today.

Monday through Thursday, 3:00 – 6:00pm (July 2024) 

Music Theory – One-hour classes available for:

  • Beginners (RCM Level 5)
  • Intermediate (RCM Levels 6 and 7)
  • Advanced (RCM Level 8)

Beginner Theory

This class introduces students to the fundamentals of reading music, key signatures, time signatures, and other rudimentary concepts. This level of theory is a co-requisite for students of the Royal Conservatory of Music Certificate Program who are studying at Level 5.

TBD based upon enrollment.

The Singing Actor 

Ages 10 and up

The Singing Actor is a class that brings together all the aspects of vocal performance: Song preparation, stage presence, auditioning, and monologues. This class will explore the many ways to bring our song characters to life! Designed for ages 10 and up, this class will use group and solo activities to learn and practice various modes of expression and interpretation.

Tuesdays 6:30 – 7:30pm

Guitar Circle

Ages 10 and up

Guitar Circle is open to acoustic and electric guitarists, ages 10 and up. We welcome beginners, as well as guitarists with some experience. Learn your favorite songs of today, or the classics of Rock ‘N’ Roll like The Beatles or Led Zeppelin, using solid techniques and musical concepts. A fun way to play and learn guitar in a group setting with fellow guitar enthusiasts.

TBD based upon enrollment.

Ukulele For You

Ages 10 and up

This class introduces students to the ukulele through strumming and picking techniques. No experience required, but experienced players are welcome. Learn to strum along with the hits in a group setting, or brush up on your skill set and learn some new ones, too. This entertaining class will teach you everything you need to know about uke, and get you up and playing your favorite songs in no time!

TBD based upon enrollment.

RCM Smart Start®

Ages 2-7

Get your little ones involved in music with this internationally renowned program for ages 2 – 7. Across the program’s levels of Sunrise, Sunshine, and Sunbeams, our MYC® classes not only teach piano and how to read music, but also other important elements such as sight-reading, composition, and ensemble playing. Parents or guardians attend and participate with their children. 

Call to learn about available class times

Family Music Makers

Ages 0-2

Family Music Makers is a program designed to introduce families to the world of music and sound through a variety of musical genres and styles. With over 200 songs, FMM tunes quickly become household favorites! These interactive classes for parent and child create an engaging musical discovery room for little ones and their care-givers. The first session begins in January, but we will have two FREE trial classes offered in the fall. 

Thursdays at 3:00pm

MYC® Summer Bridge

The MYC® Summer Bridge is a non-leveled class that is available to all current MYC® students. Skills are reinforced through singing, playing and composing music. This class is an excellent way to keep skills fresh over the summer! Open to all students who have completed at least one MYC® session.  

TBD based upon enrollment

Online Ear Training

Ear Training is an eight-week online course to help beginners with skills such as rhythm, identifying intervals, identifying chords, and sight singing. Not only will these skills drastically improve your performance and musicianship, they are also relevant for the Royal Conservatory of Music’s assessment process.

Intro to Ear Training is a fully online course taught through Google classroom. In this course, you won’t have to find a spot in your busy schedule for a lesson every week. Assignments, notes, and lectures will be posted each week for students to work through on their own time.

Recording Techniques

Ages 13 and up

Students learn about audio recording with hands-on work in an active recording environment. Enrollment is limited in order to provide a more focused experience, so please call early to reserve your spot.

Wednesdays 5:30 – 6:30pm

Piano Lab

Ages 10 and up

Piano lab is a great class for students 10 and up with no prior experience. This class is great for adults, students who study voice, and for those who are interested in learning keyboard skills to augment their study of music. Vocal students can even learn to accompany themselves!

Students learn piano at their own pace in class settings of 3-6 students, with a choice of remote and in-person attendance. 

Thursdays 6:30 – 7:30pm


Encore also offers a wide variety of ensemble opportunities, and we are always adding more!

The EnChorus: A Show Choir for Adults

Ages 18 & up

Our latest class addition in 2023, the EnChorus is our first adult singing group! Open to anyone who loves singing, this class focuses on choral arrangements of contemporary music, jazz, a capella and showtunes. Students will learn about singing in an ensemble, healthy vocal technique and introductory music reading skills. No prior experience needed. 

TBD based upon enrollment

Rock ‘N’ Pop Band

Ages 10 and up

This ensemble class is a great way to get your kids involved in a different style of music. The class will learn how to work collaboratively while performing covers of pop and rock tunes, meeting hourly once a week.

New and current students are welcome: the class is open to all instruments including drums, keyboard, bass, sax, guitar, trumpet, trombone, and voice. 

Tuesdays 5:30 – 6:30pm 

Check out a recent recording from this class, performing “I’m Still Standing” by Elton John!

Vocal Preparatory

Ages 6-8

This class offering at Encore is specifically designed for children who are too young for our more advanced vocal ensembles or private lessons. It is also a perfect stepping stone into the Royal Conservatory of Music Certificate Program for those who are interested in becoming a part of this internationally-acclaimed achievement program. Students will be introduced to the elements of singing — breathing, ear-training, and rhythm. Performances will be held throughout the year. 

TBD based upon enrollment.

The Encore EnHarmonix Recording Ensemble  (audition-only) 

Ages 8-18  

This class, held in tandem with our Recording Techniques course, is designed to teach students what it means to work as a studio musician/back-up vocalist. Students learn first-hand about mic technique, patience, preparedness, harmonies, and production. This two-hour, weekly class requires commitment, home preparation, and flexibility. Students will have opportunities to perform both as a group and as soloists. 

Please call to set up an audition.           

Wednesdays 6:00 – 8:00pm 

Wind Ensemble

Ages 10 and up

Two years of experience with an instrument is recommended, but not required for this collaborative chamber group. Flute, clarinet, oboe, saxophone, bassoon, and keyboard players are all welcome, and will have opportunities to perform as a group throughout the year. 

Mondays 7:00 – 8:00pm

Spring 2018 Wind Chamber Ensemble Practice Session

Mini Master Class Series Now Live! – We are excited to announce our new video series, “Mini Master Classes”! We will be posting short videos from our expert instructors in all things music, so you can hone and master your skills from home. Enjoy our first video from Director of Woodwinds, Lea Botta-Whiting on using breath correctly for wind instruments.

Check out our next “mini master class” from Encore’s own, Carl Scheinman! Carl, a clarinet instructor at Encore, teaches us a great way to learn how to get over “the break” on the clarinet by leaving the right hand down so less fingers are needed. Great tip, Carl!

Next up, learn bowing technique for string instruments from Encore faculty member, Don Krishnaswami!

Are you an avid musician, itching to get back into the recording studio? Well, until it is safe again, learn these amazing tips on how to get a great recording from home from Encore faculty member, Emma Newton!

Enjoy this next mini master class in our series from Joyce Harrington, Woodwinds instructor at Encore, on the Saxophone family!

Enjoy this next video by Encore’s own, Becki!!

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